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If the Event is already shown on a different web site, it is normally possible to link to the description of that Event from the CTAT ChurchSuite system. This means that if the description on the other system is changed, the change is also shown on the CTAT ChurchSuite system.

To link to a different web site the process is very similar to linking to a different ChurchSuite site, except that the code copied in step 4 is different.  Follow the steps below:

  1. Edit the Event description by clicking on Add description:
    Add Description
  2. Open the HTML editor for the description
    First, click on the three dots at the end of the Toolbar to expand it:
    Expand Toolbar
    Next, click on the <> symbol to open the HTML Source code editor:
    Open HTML Editor
  3. The HTML Source Code edit window should now be displayed:
    HTML Edit Window
  4. Copy the code below into the HTML edit window:
    <iframe style="border-width: 0;" src="" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" scrolling="yes"></iframe>
    External Template
  5. Display the Event on the other website
    Display Original External Event
  6. Copy the address (URL) of the event
    Paste it into the HTML code, overwriting the original URL (the URL has been highlighted to show the changes).  The Aldermaston York Nativity Play has been used in this example:
    Update External HTML
  7. Click on Save to close the HTML editor
    Save External HTML
  8. Click on Save to close the normal editor
    Save External Description
  9. Check that the Event is displayed
    It is often necessary to return to the HTML editor and adjust the value for height.  If possible, display the entire Event, but otherwise set the height to about 550 and allow the Event description to scroll:
    Display External Event
  10. Some web sites prevent their details being shown on other sites
    It is not possible to discover this until all the steps above have been completed.  If you see a message like the one below then the details are being blocked.  In this situation you have to remove the HTML code you set up above and write a normal description for the Event:
    External Error
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