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All Events must be assigned to one or more Sites.  A Site is used in two ways:

  • Improve ChurchSuite security by limiting which Events can be changed by a person creating Events
  • Assign Events to seasonal collections such as Christmas, Easter, etc

Most people who create Events in ChurchSuite will see a list of six Sites - two relating to security and four relating to seasonal collections.  If a person creates events for more than one church/ministry then they will see a Site for each church/ministry and should choose what is most appropriate.

The full list of Sites is shown below.  If you think you should have access to a Site that is not shown when you create an Event, please email editor.ctat @

Sites related to Security

Site Abbreviation Id Use
Around Tadley CTAT 1 Events not held at a person's Home church or ministry
Community Church Tadley CCT 7 Events organised by and held at CCT
Salvation Army SA 3 Events organised by and held at Salvation Army
Silchester Methodist Church SMC 11 Events organised by and held at SMC
St Luke SL 13 Events organised by and held at St Luke's
St Mary Tadley SMT 5 Events organised by and held at St Mary's Tadley
St Mary the Virgin SMV 6 Events organised by and held at St Mary the Virgin Silchester
St Michael SMi 12 Events organised by and held at St Michael's
St Paul SP 8 Events organised by and held at St Paul's
Tadley Common Methodist TCM 10 Events organised by and held at TCM
Tadley Main Road Methodist TMR 9 Events organised by and held at TMR
Tadley URC Church URC 2 Events organised by and held at URC
Crosslink CL 14 Events organised by Crosslink
Green Health Tadley GHT 15 Events organised by GHT
Men's Shed MS 20 Events organised by Men's Shed
Open the Book OtB 16 Events organised by OtB

Seasonal Collections

Arts Festival Arts 18 Events that are part of the Arts Festival collection
Christmas Xmas 23 Events that are part of the Christmas collection
Easter Eastr 24 Events that are part of the Easter collection
Harvest Hrvst 25 Events that are part of the Harvest collection
Remembrance Remb 26 Events that are part of the Remembrance collection
Youth Work Youth 17 Events organised for the Youth Work collection


One Site only should be selected from the list for security:  

  • If the Event is set up by a church and held on church premises then the 'home' Site for that church should be selected
  • If the Event is set up by a church but held elsewhere then the 'away' Site of Around Tadley should be selected
  • If the Event is set up by a CTAT ministry then the 'home' Site for that ministry (eg Crosslink) should be selected

If the Event is part of one of the collections, then also select the Site for the relevant collection

The process of setting or changing an Event Site is shown below:

  1. Edit the Event
    If you are not already in Event edit, then edit the Event by clicking on it from the Event list.  In this example Monday Club will be used:
    Select Monday Club
  2. Click on the Details tab, then click on Edit:
    Edit Monday Club
  3. Scroll down and select the required Sites
    * For church-based ministries select either Around Tadley or the name of the church
    * For other ministries select the name of the ministry
    * Add the Event to one of the seasonal collections if this is relevant
    Set Monday Club Sites
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the basic Event details and click on Save:Save Monday Club
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