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The Old Year Cleanup process should be performed in October each year by a Site Administrator.

The process will remove details of old Events and Sign-ups, as there is no need to keep these indefinitely.  Removing these details in a timely manner is part of how CTAT demonstrates its compliance with GDPR legislation.

The table below gives examples of which Events the Old Year Cleanup process should target:

Cleanup Year   Event Year
2027 2025
2026 2024
2025 2023

In other words, in October 2025 the details of all Events that took place in 2023 or earlier are eligible for deletion. Normally, all Events taking place during the specified Event Year should be deleted.

It is possible that an Event eligible for deletion may need to be retained.  This should only be done if the Event was complex to set up and is useful to retain as a model for future Events of the same type.  If an Event is retained beyond the normal Cleanup time, then details of all Sign-ups to the Event must be deleted - there is no justification for retaining Sign-up details beyond the scheduled Cleanup time.

The best way to find the Events to be processed is:

  • Use the #Reports Event for the relevant year
    For example, for Event year 2023 use the #Reports 2023 Event
  • Locate the All Events Report and follow the instructions with it to show the Events to be processed
  • If an Event is to be retained, edit the Event and ensure all Sign-up details are deleted
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